RANKINGS Explained

  • The USTA ranks players in different categories: juniors, adults, NTRP, family, and wheelchair. Rankings are typically based on progression through tournaments and total points accumulated.

    Click Here for More Info on USTA Rankings

  • The ITF Junior ranking is an international ranking developed by playing international tournaments. Rankings lists prioritize ITF rankings and if there are not enough players with ITF rankings, tournaments may use National Rankings. Top ITF Junior players receive opportunities for Special Exemptions into Pro Circuit level events.

    Click Here for ITF Junior Rankings Explained and Points Breakdown

  • Players get one ITF WTN for singles and one for doubles. Beginners start at 40 and pro players will be closer to 1

    Click Here for More Info About the World Tennis Number

  • UTR is a player rating system based upon whom you play as opposed to how many tournaments you've been able to travel to and win points in. A player's UTR Rating is the weighted average of up to 30 of their most recent match ratings.

    UTR Rating Explained

  • ITF, WTA and ATP rankings are calculated when a player plays ITF Pro Circuit and WTA or ATP professional events. Pro Circuit events start at $15,000 total prize money and 10 points for the winner to Master 1000s that award 1000 points for winners and Grand Slams that award 2000 points for winners.

    Click Here for the ITF/ATP/WTA Points Breakdown


We have partnered with the Women’s Tennis Association (WTA) and USOPC to share resources geared towards elite athletes, but can be applicable to all.